I have things to share. Useful. Useless. Your choice. 2011; the year of my summer dress..

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Long time; No blog.

Oh, hai there.
I haven't done an entry for a while, so I decided now is as good a time as any :)

What's been happening?
I'm not even sure where to begin!

I'm still in Administration. Still living in South Yarra. The office recently moved to Collingwood from Burnley, so that's a pleasant change. I started going to the Gym; was on a good run too, went five weeks in a row, twice a week. Unfortunately, things have been a bit hectic lately, so I have neglected the Gym (as what I've also done with this blog..) I'm hoping to continue going over the next few weeks.

What else has been happening....? Time to put the memory cap back on!

I've organised a weekend away in three weeks. Marz and I will be heading to Lakes Entrance for our one year (belated) anniversary. Which quietly, I am just a little excited about :)
Not only about going away (which is going to be lovely..) but spending the weekend with my amazing boyfriend and celebrating being together. I mean, yes, we do live together and we see eachother everyday. But, there's always something different about being away together. I'm really looking forward to it :)

The next few weeks are going to be full on. I have a lot of adult/grown up decisions to make. I'm not going to lie; I'm scared. But. I am trying to think positive about it! Things are going to get better. I can feel it. Well.. I sure hope they do!

Anyway. That's pretty much all I have at the moment, without divulging too much information. Oh, and also boring the crap out of everyone. Haha.

Hopefully I can keep this up :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Almost Friday!

Admittingly, we've had so many days off over the last few weeks; with thanks to Christmas and New Years. But, just quietly, I am so so so excited that it's Friday tomorrow.

This week at work has just been plain crazy. I'm now doing "complex cover changes" and it's just madness. I am stressing myself out beyond belief. And, really.. I don't get paid enough to stress as much as I am. 
In the massive scheme of things; I should be thankful that I even have a job. A job that pays my rent, bills and generally helps me to look after myself.
So, I've decided to take the initiative and start looking for another job. I'm fairly confident that I want to get out of Customer Service/Health Insurance. Call Centre work anyway. The only real positive to working in a Call Centre is that it's guaranteed full-time work, Monday to Friday and no weekends. But.. I guess.. You need to be happy at work.. Considering you're more then likely to be there five days a week, right?

Anyways. On a positive note!

I'm excited for the weekend as I'm hoping to go to some Markets, Ikea (get some homely things) and then get some cooking books. I am ever so domesticated. But, I enjoy making my house homely. Cos, it's mine. All mine :) Well, yes, technically, it's the Landlords, but lets not get technical :)
 I thought I would upload some of the photos I took on NYE.
 Thanks to @squeewubs @Darkside_Molko @This_Kent and last but certainly not least @ChocSly who was lovely enough to pick me up and take me home :)

Hello night-time Melbourne!

Poor attempt at a zoomed shot. Haha.

Hello 2011 ^__^

Walking back to the Car..

An excellent night :)

That's about it.
I'm schleepy! Think it's time for bed.

Teegz xx

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Today was possibly the worst day, ever.
I admit that last night probably contributed to how I felt today.
But.. Today; I was a total emotional screw-ball.

I struggled so bad to get out of the bed this morning.
Got to work; then my Team Leader says to me that I need to watch how much I talk. Because apparently people have been complaining. 
Went back to my desk; had a bit of teary. Then my Team Leader came up to me... What are you supposed to say? "I'm fine.. Really.. Just tired..." Blah.

Anyways. Checked my bank account. Turns out the "CR" I've been reading, well, thought I was reading.. Is actually a "DR" ... My health insurance decided to take two payments.
Called them up.. They need to look into it.. Well, that's great- but I have no freaking money.

Thankfully Marz lent me some money. And, money I lent him a few days ago, will hopefully clear into my account tomorrow. I do get paid on Thursday. But, it's just hard.
I guess.. This is called "growing up" ... Just crap.

On a lighter note.. Here are some cute as pictures.. They make me smile!

Capsicum loveheart <3

This got sent to me at work.. #massivenaws

Time for some coffee shots, no?
You'll have to excuse.. I don't remember where each coffee is from. #fail

I do remember these are from "Ganache Chocolate" in South Yarra.

my hot chocolate

 Marz's short black

Mocha.. Can't remember where from..

My BFF at work.

Lovely little place on DeGraves St.

threeDOUBLEtwo on Chapel St.

Mochatini; World Bar and Restaurant - Southbank

I guess that's about it.
Hopefully have a better day tomorrow.
Early night tonight.


Monday, January 3, 2011

First Post.

Ohh.. Hai there!

It's a New Year, 2011.
And, everyone seems to have a Blog; so I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon.

Wow, what a year 2010 was.
Started off pretty slow; Had a job at Ikea, over the Christmas/New Year period. Decided that it wasn't for me. Face-to-Face customer service is okay when you're in High School (or in my case, just after High School). 
Got a Full-Time job in Yatala. Which at the time was great; 10 minute drive from home. After a couple of months though, lack of money started to rear its ugly head. 
Queens Birthday Long Weekend came 'round. Decided to go to Melbourne.

        My Plane to Melbourne

I landed in Melbourne; and it was a lovely seven degrees.

Hello Melbourneee!
After I palmed my things off.. We went and had some lunch. First time at Groove Train; not a big deal.. But, I was a little excited. (token take pictures of food..)


Pasta, Salad, Burger & Chips and Fish & Chips.
I had the Pasta; which was delicious.

Anyways. After lunch; checked into the Hotel.. Crowne Plaza!
Started getting ready to hit 'ol Melbytown up. We went to (I think it's called) The Rooftop Bar.. Had the most amazing cocktail, ever. 
"The Samantha Berry"
And, then.. Mr Amazing met up with us.. Ricardo (a.k.a. Marz) .. First time I met him, I thought he was a bit of a cocky douche.. (who would've known what happened a few months later..)
He showed us 'round.. Took us to Madam Brussels. This cupcake knocked me.. I eat a lot of sweets.. But this.. Pwoah..

 "The Infamous half icing half cupcake"

I cringe just looking at it..

We then moved onto The Casino.. Which was just incredible.. Really.. And that was before The Fire!!

This blew me away.. You could tell I was the tourist.. :-/

The last night I was there.. I took this.. View from the Hotel- Middle of our floor..

Last day in Melbourne; was sad. It was safe to say, I didn't want to leave. We had one last drive around.. Went to St Kilda..

 Luna Park.
I was sitting at Melbourne, Tullamarine Airport. Waiting for my flight back to the Gold Coast. I had agreed with Amy and also Marz that I was going to move down Mid-September.
Needless to say.. I returned less then two months later. As much as I enjoyed Brisbane; all my family are there. It was time for me to move on.
I quit my job. Organised to drive down. It happened within a month. 
Thankfully my parents were supportive. I was most worried about Dad; but he was great. 

The last five months have been amazing. Wait, no. Amazing doesn't even come close to describing it. To be honest.

I'm living on my own. For the first time, ever. I was scared, but I'm loving it. I have a Full-Time job, it's not the greatest job, but it pays my bills, rent and I can support myself. I've met some fantastic/beautiful people; whom have impacted my life, for the better. I've made myself some friends for life down here.
Unfortunately, I have lost some friends in the process. But, I know that it's the course of life.. You win friends and you lose some.
I'm happy right now. 
That's my main concern. I wanted to be a more happier, positive person. And, I am.

Most of all.. I have the most amazing/fantastic/funny/wonderful/beautiful boy, ever. He will hate me for saying this.. Or just be embarrassed.. He has made Melbourne so incredible. If I had ever any doubts about this move.. He has squashed them.. He makes me so insanely happy. I can't imagine my life without him..
He is my World.

First post, much?
I hope I haven't bored anyone too much..

In short..
2010 was good, but 2011.. I can already feel an incredible year coming on.